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jademacalla's avatar




Hey there, Comrades! I hope you have all been very well. The Green Cat Cabaret has been keeping me terribly busy, but I was so inspired by :iconlalunatique: - LaLunatique's recent series that I just had to take five and shoot a few refs in homage to her very cool angles. She's great, so check out all her images: lalunatique.deviantart.com/gal…

These are probably pose references more than anything else, but feel free to use them for whatever works. Sometimes my terms of use can be hard to find, so here they are...

Jade's Stock Usage Terms
The rule of thumb with my stock is: (Almost) No Rules. Do whatever non-commercial thing you want with them. Use them for pose references. Create astounding composite images. Tweak the saturation by 1% and call it art (perhaps it is). Print them out and use them for target practice or make origami stoats. If you are inspired to DO something, then I am happy. You do not have to credit me or show me what you do with them, but (as any sane person would) I would love to see what you create.

If you can somehow use them to help you make a little dough that's great, just contact me so we can work something out.

Download for full-size image.

Several more in this series over the next couple days, and then who knows what else...
Image size
3272x2798px 7.01 MB
Canon EOS 7D
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vulcanworkshop's avatar

Good Picture, did Disney Marvel stole your idea for Hawk Eye ?